Environmental Policy
Our main areas of impact on the environment:
General office and yard activities – Energy use to recycling of consumables
Vehicle and plant use – Fuel and maintenance
Arising’s – The materials that our work generates
If you’re conscious of your carbon footprint and a supporter of preserving your environment then look no further. Our promise: Reuse or recycle everything we can.
Re-use, recycle, replenish! We encourage our customers to recycle organic garden material by promoting the use of compost bays – a natural and cost effective alternative to ensuring your garden gets all the nutrients it needs. In combination with the use of non-petrol based tools where possible, we minimise our carbon footprint and maximise your garden's natural potential.
All arising’s removed will be recycled at a Veolia recycle centre.
To continue to develop our goals we:
Use battery-powered hedge trimmers, blowers and strimmers
Maximise our recycling and minimise our waste
Promote efficient driving practices
Proactively challenge and improve our own office energy efficiencies such as use of power shut-down devises on computer systems and general energy saving devises
Use a paperless office system
Continue to work with the local authorities and local communities to promote the local economy
Demonstrate by example that positive environmental considerations make good direct and indirect common sense business policies
Reduce or recycle plastics in particular